Still Trying

I'm clueless now. I know some of you must have remembered that I was trying to post everyday before. That went out the window a long time ago. Life has been hectic recently, trips to weird places and meetings with unfamiliar people. Nothing that I can describe in detail, and nothing really interesting at all.

In the last month, I felt like I was immune to writers' block. I was invincible and the words kept flowing. Now, I'm at a stalegate. I don't know if anyone's reading this blog. Most likely, the 27 views are just mine. So, far it's taken me half-an-hour to write this post.

Yes, I know it's pathetic. I finished the first three chapters of Dragon's Day in nine hours. Nine hours I wrote continuously, not moving away from my laptop. Now, I'm stuck. Stuck like a truck in New York rush hour. Or like a ladybug that's been turned upside down. And I don't know what to do.

My writer's block has spread to even my application for the ambassadorship on Movellas. I know I'd make a good editor. I just don't know how to convince the staff of that. I'm bored and I can't write. I've tried chatting with strangers, using the Windows 8 app Talk to Someone. That hasn't gone too well, and I was still left bored.

I'm just ranting here, and even this inconsequential rant, on rereading it, seems forced and badly written. I don't know, I'm off to try to find inspiration. The only thing that I'm feeling positive about right now is that I've got a new idea for a book. I managed to write out the finer details of the plot of that book today, and that's my redemption for now. Anyway, off to Google Images. Ta-ta.


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