Go Google Yourself

Yes, I'm writing another post. It's either I shun the computer for a week, or else embrace it tightly and have to have it wrenched out of my grip. I am, of course, as bored as ever today. I'm writing this, and in the middle, taking care of my mom who is feeling under the weather. It is, after all, monsoon season. So, I googled myself. Not my real name, but my pen name, Mina Rowen.

Don't stare at my blog post condescendingly, or worse, with pity. We've all done it at one point or another. I was surprised by the results. The first result is my page on movellas, the second is a Sailor Moon fan-fiction with the characters Mina and Rowen. I passed over that quickly. For those of you who don't know what Sailor Moon is, it's this really old anime show that's aimed at girls. The girl has super powers or something, she morphs into Sailor Moon. I used to watch it when I was five and didn't know better. Don't ask for more. I'm not going to go look it up.

Back to the point, next came the link to this little blog, real shocker there. Seriously, that was shocking. No sarcasm at all. And then I got a whammy. A link to google books for a book called "Forbidden Realm" or something. I was initially pleased, a book. We all know how much I love books.

I should've stopped at the title page. There was a man, and a woman, and everything below their necks was blurred. That should've clued me in. But, my brain didn't function at the moment. Then, I saw the genre. Erotic Romance.

Let's just say I couldn't get to the backspace button fast enough. I know, you guys were probably expecting more. Probably a little along the lines of this video below. 

But people, this is me we're talking about. I'm not as brave as JC Caylen, and I pray to god to never have fanfiction written about me. Or any fanfiction about my books. Mostly praying for my books. Okay, really, just for my books. Nobody would write fanfiction about me.

After that one book, there was a site where somebody was posting pictures about some other Mina. And there was a baby name site. That's where I go to name my characters.

Ending on a morbid note, the last two entries on the first page were for the gravestone of one Mina Earl Rowen. That was actually cool, knowing that a real Mina Rowen actually existed in this world, despite the fact that she died eighty years ago.

And that's the end of my post. Happy Ramadan, everyone. If anyone's reading this.... which I doubt. 


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