Monsoon Season

I just wanted to write something about the monsoon right now. The season's started, inciting in me a strange sense of general happiness. I was never a sunny day kind of girl, preferring those days with the sullen gray skies and smell of fresh earth.

Today is one of those days. Rain is falling outside the window, and the normally sweltering heat has stepped back, letting us all revel in the cool embrace of rain. Monsoon season is my favorite. My mind has somehow managed to block out negative thoughts of the rise in malaria during this season, the colds that I find myself afflicted with, and the occasional walks home during a sudden downpour. Because this moment, right now, me sitting on my warm bed typing this up, dry while everything outside gets cleansed by the rain, is perfect.

And yes, in a sappy fashion, I'm listening to bollywood songs on rain. And some tollywood as well.


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