Catering to the Commerciality
If anyone on Movellas is reading this right now, stop if you're a Directioner. I promised myself that I would blog everyday and this is one of my impromptu rants. It really irks me that most people on the site call themselves "writers".
You know what I think of when I think "writers"? I think "artists of the written word", not "half-illiterate nut-cases who write dirty things". Grammar is forgotten. Punctuation is forgotten. Decency is left to the wind. It's supposed to be a site for teenagers for goodness sakes. It's supposed to be a place for expressing the story that you want to tell!
I understand a few movellas now and then where you become one of the characters. But asking people if they want to be characters for the sake of favorites and likes, is in poor taste. Trading reads and comments, I completely understand. Trading favorites and likes? I really don't.
Manners is another thing that is often forgotten on the site. Sane arguments are often replaced by weird verbal mud-slinging, and somebody ends up in tears. Hate isn't necessary.
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