Because I'm on a Roll
I hate when writers say they can't "find inspiration". Or other such phrases, such as "Creatively blocked", "stuck" yada yada yada. Inspiration is everything around you. Imagine a story for everything that you see, from the antique watch your mother has not changed since her wedding, to a pair of sunglasses that remind you of Breakfast at Tiffany's.
I'm just saying, I hate when people ask for ideas.
"Guys, I don't know what to write! Ideas, please!"
Writers don't do that. Our writing is equally about what we write and how we write it. And if what we write is an idea donation from somebody else, our work ceases to be ours. It's like putting together the furniture that comes in the box as individual parts. Yes, you put it together, but if you claim that you made it, people will only laugh at you.
Yes, everyone gets stuck once in a while. Suffer through it like a man, or woman, or whatever. Just go through it on your own. And look for a cure. A lot of people get away from their story, take a walk or distract themselves. That doesn't work for me, but it works for a lot of people. Or you can try to hit the writer's block in the face, like I do.
Think up stories for whatever you see, go online and look at pictures on sites like Flickr. Do anything and everything that you can to get the flow of words back. Just don't expect a pity idea from somebody else.
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