Greek Hero

Okay, I'm still blogging. Erratically, sporadically, but still blogging. So the topic of this blog post is my life at the present moment. I feel like the hero in a Greek myth. No, not the heroine, because I refuse to be one of those pathetic damsels tied to stones on the ocean as a sacrifice to a monster, or just one of the girls who doesn't manage to maintain the hero's interest.

Here's how I'm like a Greek hero. At present I'm battling the gargantuan monsters that are my exams. Relax, my comparison isn't that stupid. It occurred to me yesterday afternoon that three of my physiology professors are rather like the Three Fates. They're three old ladies that you never want to cross. They see everything, in that they know who in the class is reckless, who are the ones that are sickeningly sincere. Not to mention they really decide our fate. Of course, they don't share one eye.

Then there's one of our anatomy professor, a ringer for Athena. She's a genius, and has a great sense of humor, but is more mechanical than emotional. She's strict, and her punishments are cruel. Weirdly enough, I find her to be awesome.

And it's not just the professors. It's the students as well. There's your typical Venus, who manages to simultaneously complement herself and put other people down. She comes in tow with her Hephaestus and her Ares.

We have more than one Ares actually. I blame it all on the newly active giant quantities of hormones and the confinements of the lecture hall. I don't think we have any Dionysuses, thank god. We have our Artemises and our Minervas. We have most of the myths.

There's even the odd Apollos, Hermeses and Zeuses. I have my own personal Hades who pisses me off, not saying whether they're a guy or a girl. The Venus girl is a thorn in the side as well. I usually ignore her and when she asks me how she looks (expecting a grudging compliment), I usually respond by pointing out her flaws and smiling in a way that makes her want to punch me. I know, I'm evil. But I'm evil to those who are evil. With great sarcastic wit, comes great responsibility.

That's all for now,


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