The Fault in Our Stars

Just finished The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, and loved it. How could one not love that book? It's got the biting realistic character. After being on Movellas for a year and reading the story of far too many Pity-Sues, it's good to see a main character face adversity of the worst kind and not take it lying down.

She fights without announcing it to the world. Hazel actually has a brain. There is reality and a bitter beauty in the story that isn't found in any sappy sweet (and equal parts disgusting) romance that pretends to deal with deeper psychological issues (50 Shades of Grey, anyone?).

I loved everything about the book, even that it made me cry at 11:30 at night, tears streaming down my face like some kind of maniac. I loved Hazel, Gus, and even Isaac who isn't even there most of the time. 


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