Darling, It's Been Too Long

Yes, it has been too long. Wrapped up in my erratic Internet availability and the sudden onslaught of college work, I was forced to choose between a few things. I chose exercise over writing this blog. But I'm back with not a bang, but an airy sound of relief, signalling that this blog will not be abandoned, not completely at least.

What to write about? Yes, in the past three weeks, I touched a dead arm with my bare hands. No, I didn't go all Dexter Morgan. It was a dissected hand, we were studying the anatomy of it. I also pricked my finger five times on purpose, for a blood test. Not fun at all.

In my spare time, I crossed the 50,000 word mark on my novel Dragon Day, and managed to learn to whistle. Quite an accomplishment.

Well, this post is short and has no point. It had to end somewhere. That's here. 


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