
Greek Hero

Okay, I'm still blogging. Erratically, sporadically, but still blogging. So the topic of this blog post is my life at the present moment. I feel like the hero in a Greek myth. No, not the heroine, because I refuse to be one of those pathetic damsels tied to stones on the ocean as a sacrifice to a monster, or just one of the girls who doesn't manage to maintain the hero's interest. Here's how I'm like a Greek hero. At present I'm battling the gargantuan monsters that are my exams. Relax, my comparison isn't that stupid. It occurred to me yesterday afternoon that three of my physiology professors are rather like the Three Fates. They're three old ladies that you never want to cross. They see everything , in that they know who in the class is reckless, who are the ones that are sickeningly sincere. Not to mention they really decide our fate. Of course, they don't share one eye. Then there's one of our anatomy professor, a ringer for Athena.

The Fault in Our Stars

Just finished The Fault in Our Stars  by John Green, and loved it. How could one not love that book? It's got the biting realistic character. After being on Movellas for a year and reading the story of far too many Pity-Sues, it's good to see a main character face adversity of the worst kind and not take it lying down. She fights without announcing it to the world. Hazel actually has a brain. There is reality and a bitter beauty in the story that isn't found in any sappy sweet (and equal parts disgusting) romance that pretends to deal with deeper psychological issues (50 Shades of Grey, anyone?). I loved everything about the book, even that it made me cry at 11:30 at night, tears streaming down my face like some kind of maniac. I loved Hazel, Gus, and even Isaac who isn't even there most of the time. 

Darling, It's Been Too Long

Yes, it has been too long. Wrapped up in my erratic Internet availability and the sudden onslaught of college work, I was forced to choose between a few things. I chose exercise over writing this blog. But I'm back with not a bang, but an airy sound of relief, signalling that this blog will not be abandoned, not completely at least. What to write about? Yes, in the past three weeks, I touched a dead arm with my bare hands. No, I didn't go all Dexter Morgan. It was a dissected hand, we were studying the anatomy of it. I also pricked my finger five times on purpose, for a blood test. Not fun at all. In my spare time, I crossed the 50,000 word mark on my novel Dragon Day, and managed to learn to whistle. Quite an accomplishment. Well, this post is short and has no point. It had to end somewhere. That's here. 

Completely Humidity

                The city that I currently reside in is in one word, wet. There is no other word to describe this city. Believe me, I have tried. In the two weeks since I have arrived, it has only rained once. Nonetheless, let me assure you, the city is wet. It rests next to the ocean, and the air is filled with water and salt here.                 My home is a town that masquerades as a city. It has a certain rustic charm. In the street next to mine there is a diary with real live buffalos. There is more heat than one could ever wish for, and enough sun to light up the entire world. It is a city famous for its cotton and chili peppers. But the heat there is dry, it’s stifling but there’s comfort in that heat. It’s the daily fire that I grew up in.                 My temporary home is not dry. Even the heat is murky, soiled by the intervention of the sea. Usually the mornings start with a slight fog and one of my sneezing fits. Then the fog lifts up, but the cloudy sky doesn’t

Just Feel Like This Now



My life at the present moment is erratic, just like my Internet connection. Yes, I am stuck at home without an Internet connection. My usage depends on the availability of an Internet 3G card which my father currently has. Whenever he's home, whenever I can sneak the device to my room, whenever my sister doesn't reveal her banshee side and demand, that's the only time I can use it to access the Internet. Yes, I'm going to drown in the downpour of your pity. But the one good thing about not having the Internet... absolutely no distractions. TV has become something of the last decade and most days now I don't go near the remote. Instead I have just been working on my stories. Two chapters each for Dragon Day and In Love and War. I was surprised at my own efficiency. Well, like I said, the availability to Internet has been erratic. Sorry to post and run, but it's sort of what has to be done.

Go Google Yourself

Yes, I'm writing another post. It's either I shun the computer for a week, or else embrace it tightly and have to have it wrenched out of my grip. I am, of course, as bored as ever today. I'm writing this, and in the middle, taking care of my mom who is feeling under the weather. It is, after all, monsoon season. So, I googled myself. Not my real name, but my pen name, Mina Rowen. Don't stare at my blog post condescendingly, or worse, with pity. We've all done it at one point or another. I was surprised by the results. The first result is my page on movellas, the second is a Sailor Moon fan-fiction with the characters Mina and Rowen. I passed over that quickly. For those of you who don't know what Sailor Moon is, it's this really old anime show that's aimed at girls. The girl has super powers or something, she morphs into Sailor Moon. I used to watch it when I was five and didn't know better. Don't ask for more. I'm not going to go look it